My blog so far

Reading time: 4 minutes (672 words)
Author: @pugmiester
Tags: blog , personal

When I started my blog, back in April 2023, I had the best of intentions for creating lots of content. I was creating posts for weekly solar statistics, general tech stuff and Home Assistant posts. I set myself a recurring calendar event on Monday evening to remind me to post and for a while that worked. I was full of energy and raring to go.

Fast forward 8 months and things have changed. I’m no longer posting weekly solar stats as it feels a bit repetitive. I’m ignoring the calendar event as it feels like a chore rather than a reminder. In fact, I’ve deleted the event and all following events.

So what changed?

I’m not sure really. Maybe I still have too much brain fog that I seem to have had for a couple of years now, following on from catching you know what. Maybe I just have a case of CBA (Can’t Be Arsed). The calendar reminder was definitely starting to feel like a chore. I’m just not sure for certain.

Something that I know I need to improve is my workflow to make it easier to get posts created. I’m using hugo to build my site as static html files so it’s quick to build and deploy. It’s then hosted on a virtual server (in someone elses data centre so not entirely self hosted with the content updated using rsync over ssh with key only access.

My current workflow for building new posts for my blog looks like this.

It’s not a particularly difficult workflow but is often enough to make me not want to bother creating the post. I absolutely do not want to move to a system that requires some sort of content management system. I have zero intention of getting myself locked into some proprietary CMS. Everything is staying as plain text, I just need to streamline the process a little. Maybe moving the build environment to an always on virtual machine at home (I have many) might make it easier to manage as I would be able to ssh into the build machine from whatever device I’m using at the time. I would even be able to do that remotely using my phone as I’ve got my home network glued into Zerotier so things are remotely accessible if needed.

So, going forward, here’s what I’m thinking I need to do/improve.

I have 2 remaining days in work this year before I finish for the Christmas holiday for a 13 day break so there’s a reasonable chance I’ll spend some time over the holidays looking at the options to see what I can do.