Welcome to My Blog

Reading time: 1 minutes (199 words)
Author: @pugmiester
Tags: blog , selfhosted

I’m starting a new (as in my first) blog as a place to jot down whatever I feel like I need to jot down.

I’ve had a website in the past but we are talking about 20+ years ago when you could actually still write a website using notepad.exe and some basic HTML.

At that time, I had what you might remember as a “personal” website. There were a few pages with written content but nothing you would equate to a blog these days. There were a handfull of picture gallery pages I put together to share pictures with friends and family plus the mandatory page full of links and bookmarks. It was like the wild west out there. None of these whizzy templates or 100meg Java Script addons or whatever the cool web3 kids use these days.

So, here I am, starting very much from scratch and seeing if I can make something useful. I’m aiming for some blog type ramblings as well as maybe a today I learned (til) section for stuff I come across that’s new and exciting. I can’t promise any of the content will be earth shatterinmg, but I guess you just never know.